Report |
Marriage is an association of two persons of opposite sex to
live together and bring up a family. In India marriage is
generally treated as fusion or coming together of two families
of husband and wife. However in western countries it is an
association of two persons to live together with or without
getting married formally. When will I get married? Are you
experiencing delays in getting married? Are you apprehensive
about your married life? Will you have a love affair or an
arranged marriage? Will you have pre marital affairs? Will you
get a divorce? Will your engagement break? Will you remarry?
Will you remain a bachelor whole of your life? Is your husband
keeping a mistress?
could also ask any specific queries of yours related to marriage
which is not covered in the above points
on Marriage Report

Horoscope Report |
It is the wish and desire of every
businessman to have a successful business, which should expand and
give desired profits. So, Do you also worry on business issues like
When should I start the new venture? Would I be benefited by
Partnership? Will I be successful in my business? What is the right
time to invest in my new venture? I had started three new business but
all failed, Why? My partner is creating obstacles in my business, why?
Should I start a new business or carry on the existing one? We could
help you to get correct and right answers to these questions and more.
You need not worry about your business worries.
We would advice you about the best period
for investing in your new venture and which business would suit you
on Business Report

Career Horoscope
Report |
It is the foremost wish and desire of
every person to have a successful career once he has finished his or
her studies. The pursuit of service or business as a career largely
depends upon the family background and family contacts, education and
related other factors. Some times due to harsh circumstances a person
starts his career even though he or she has not finished his or her
education in order to support his or her family. Everyone, whether he
is a Manger, Worker or a Managing Director is uncertain and insecure
with his job and growth in his field and Career growth or career fall
is inevitable.
So, Do you also
worry on issues like
more Career
A person has a social obligation to
bring up his children after marriage. In India it is joy full for
parents when they are blessed with a son, as the birth of a son leads
to continuity of the cast or clan to which the father belongs.
Childbirth is therefore a major gain or event in a man's or a woman's
married life. Are you curious to know the correct time/period of birth
of your child? Are you experiencing delays in getting children? How
many children you will have? What will be my good pregnancy periods?
Will I miscarriage? How to avoid stillbirth of a child? Remedies for
Gand Mool Nakshatra. Remedies for getting children. Know all this and
more about getting children through our Reports on Children. Get a
Complete and exhaustive review of your Horoscope for total Child
Happiness. We use a detailed and ancient method determining how many
children you will get after looking in to the horoscopes of male and
more on Progeny Report
Would you like to know whether you are
inclined to study or not? Would you like to know whether your academic
efforts would bear fruit or not? Which field should you select for
your future career? Would Science be better or Commerce or Arts? Would
you get scholarship for higher study? Whether you would get through
the rigors of Competitive Exams or not? Would you get awards or prizes
for your academic efforts? Would you go abroad for higher studies?
Want to sit for a competitive examination? Know the best period for
giving the competitive exam. Want to go abroad for higher study? Know
the best time for going abroad for getting success. Want to opt for
higher education? Know whether you'll pursue higher education or not?
We could help you to get correct and right answers to these questions
and more. You need not worry about your educational worries. We would
advice you about the best periods of your education and suggest you
the educational stream which would suit you
more on
Education Report
In today's modern world Traveling is
undertaken by an individual on account of education, service,
business, medical treatment, marriage, pilgrimage, tourism etc. This
traveling involves being away from home, city, state and country. Do
you also have such questions like When will I travel abroad? Will I
settle abroad? What will be the purpose of my travel? Will I get Visa?
Will I get extension of Visa? When will I return to my motherland from
a foreign land? Do you always ponder to get answers to these
questions, if yes, then you have come to the right place. Know all you
always wanted to know about your traveling prospects in your own
country and abroad
more on Travel Report
Property and
Vehicle Purchase Report
of the most common questions an astrologer faces from the native is
about acquisition of property and vehicle because it is every person's
dream to acquire his or her own house and a vehicle to commute and
move around freely. Property purchase involves almost the entire life
savings of an individual. It is usually correlated with the financial
status of the family or an individual. Especially in cosmopolitan
cities, the status of an individual is judged by the make or brand of
cars or number of cars he possesses. Do you also have such questions
like When will I purchase a property or a Vehicle? Where will be the
location of the property? What will be the status of the property?
Will the car be a luxury model or an economy model? Whether the
property or Vehicle will be purchased in installments or cash down?
Whether it will be a commercial property? Will I get rental income
from my property? When will I sell my property? Will I change my
residence or Vehicle? Will my Vehicle be stolen? My Vehicle is stolen.
When will I get my Vehicle back? Will I get insurance claim for my
Vehicle? Do you always ponder to get answers to these questions, if
yes, then you have come to the right place. Know the best period for
purchasing or selling your property or Vehicle
more on
Property and Vehicle Purchase Report
you like to know whether you would contact any disease? Timing of
disease. Timing of surgery. Type of diseases. Accidents. Recovery from
diseases/accidents. Whether you have depression or suicidal
tendencies? What type of food is suitable for you? Know the periods of
your disease and illness. Know whether you'll recover from illness or
not? We could help you to get correct and right answers to these
questions and more. You need not worry about your health worries
on Health Report